The conjugation of étudier (Meaning: to study; Pronounced: etydje) is j’étudie (I study), tu étudies (you study), il, elle étudie (he, she studies), nous étudions (we study) vous étudiez (you study) and ils, elles étudient (they study).

Étudier is a regular -er verb. This means means that its endings are the same as other regular -er verb such parler (to speak) and manger (to eat).
Further down this page, we’ve listed the verb conjugation charts for étudier in the following tenses. Keep reading as we’ve provided lots of example sentences for each tense.
- Present
- Passé composé
- Imperfect
- Future
- Conditional
- Subjunctive
Étudier conjugation table: quick overview.

Étudier conjugation charts
The following section contains the conjugation tables of étudier in all the major tenses with example sentences.
Present tense
In the present tense, j’etudie translates to “I study” and “I am studying”.
J'étudie | I study | J'étudie le français à Paris. | I'm studying French in Paris. |
Tu étudies | You study (singular, informal) | Tu étudies l'espagnol en Espagne. | You're studying Spanish in Spain. |
Il, elle étudie | He, she studies | Elle étudie le japonais au Japon. | She's studying Japanese in Japan. |
Nous étudions | We study | Nous étudions l'histoire européenne. | We're studying European history. |
Vous étudiez | You study (plural, formal) | Vous étudiez la physique à l'université. | You're studying physics at the university. |
Ils, elles étudient | They study | Ils étudient l'italien à Rome. | They're studying Italian in Rome. |

Passé composé
In the passé composé, a French past tense used for describing actions which occurred at specific times, j’ai étudié translates to “I studied”.
J'ai étudié | I studied | J'ai étudié le français quand j'étais en terminal. | I studied French when I was a senior. |
Tu as étudié | You studied (informal, singular) | Tu as étudié l'espagnol avant de voyager au Mexique. | You studied Spanish before traveling to Mexico. |
Il, elle a étudié | He, she studied | Ella étudié la chimie à l'université. | She studied chemistry in university. |
Nous avons étudié | We studied | Nous avons étudié dans une école française. | We studied in a French school. |
Vous avez étudié | You studied (formal, plural) | Vous avez beaucoup étudié avant l'examen. | You studied a lot before the exam. |
Ils, elles ont étudié | They studied | Ils ont étudié quelques verbes avant le voyage. | They studied a few verbs before the trip. |
Imperfect tense
The French imperfect tense (l’imparfait) is used to express past actions which occurred at unspecified times. J’étudiais translates to “I was studying”, “I used to study” and “I studied”.
J'étudiais | I was studying, used to study | J'étudiais le français quand j'étais un enfant. | I used to study French when I was a student. |
Tu étudiais | You were studying, used to study (singular, familiar) | Tu étudiais l'espagnol quand Marie a téléphoné. | You were studying Spanish when Marie called. |
Il, elle étudiait | He, she was studying, used to study | Elle étudiait la chimie mais maintenant elle étudie la physique. | She used to study chemistry but now she studies physics. |
Nous étudiions | We were studying, used to study | Avant nous étudiions ensemble. | Before we used to study together. |
Vous étudiiez | You were studying, used to study | Dans le passé vous étudiiez l'histoire française. | In the past you used to to study French history. |
Ils, elles étudiaient | They were studying, used to study | Qu'est-ce qu'ils étudiaient à l'école. | What were they studying in school? |
Future tense
In the future tense (le futur simple), j’étudierai translates to “I will study”.
J'étudierai | I will study | J'étudierai le français quand je serai en France. | I'll study French when I'm inFrance. |
Tu étudieras | You will study (familiar, singular) | Tu étudieras l'espagnol quand tu seras au Mexique. | You'll study Spanish when you're in Mexico. |
Il, elle étudiera | He, she will study | Elle étudiera l'italien en Italie. | She will study Italian in Italy. |
Nous étudierons | We will study | Nous étudierons l'histoire du pays avant le voyage. | We'll study the country's history before the trip. |
Vous étudierez | You will study (formal, plural) | Est-ce que vous étudierez tous les verbes? | Will you study all the verbs? |
Ils, elles étudieront | They will study | Ils étudieront avant de passer l'examen. | They'll study before taking the exam. |
Conditional tense
In the conditional tense (le conditonnel), j’étudierais translates to “I would study”.
J'étudierais | I would study | J'étudierais le français si les verbes étaient plus faciles. | I'd study French if the verbs were easier. |
Tu étudierais | You would study (familiar, singular) | Tu étudierais avec moi si tu avais plus de temps. | You'd study with me if you had more time. |
Il, elle étudierait | He, she would study | Elle étudierait le latin si le cours était disponible. | She'd study Latin if the course were available. |
Nous étudierions | We would study | Nous étudierions dehors s'il faisait beau. | We'd study outside if it were nice out. |
Vous étudieriez | You would study (formal, plural) | Vous étudieriez le thaï si c'était plus utile. | You'd study Thai if it were more useful. |
Ils, elles étudieraient | They would study | Ils étudieraient l'espagnol s'ils avaient plus de temps libre. | They'd study Spanish if they had more free time. |
Subjunctive mood
The French use the subjunctive mood (le subjonctif) to express wishes, emotions and doubts. Que j’étudie translates to “that I study”.
que j'étudie | that I study | Il faut que j'étudie le français avant de voyager en France. | I need to study French before traveling to France. |
que tu étudies | that you study (familiar, singular) | Je veux que tu étudies avant l'examen. | I want you to study before the exam. |
qu'il, elle étudie | that he, she studies | Je suis heureux qu'elle étudie tous les verbes. | I'm happy she's studying all the verbs. |
que nous étudiions | that we study | Il vaut mieux que nous étudiions le chinois avant de voyager en Chine. | We'd better study Chinese before traveling in China. |
que vous étudiiez | that you study (formal, plural) | Il faut que vous étudiiez la langue avant votre départ. | You need to study the language before your departure. |
qu'ils, elles étudient | that they study | Je ne sais s'ils étudient le vocabulaire. | I don't know if they're studying the vocabulary. |