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Partir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Leave” In French

Partir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Leave” In French

Partir (Pronunciation paʀtiʀ) means “to leave” in French. The conjugation of partir in the present tense is je pars (I leave), tu pars (you leave), il, elle part (he, she leaves), nous partons (we leave), vous partez (you leave) and ils, elles partent (they leave).

Partir Conjugation

Partir is an irregular iir verb. This means that when conjugated in the present tense, its endings are different from other regular -ir verbs.

Further down this page, we’ve listed the verb conjugation charts for partir in the following tenses. Keep reading as we’ve provided example sentences for each tense.

  • Present
  • Passé composé
  • Imperfect
  • Future
  • Conditional
  • Subjunctive

Partir conjugation table: quick overview

Partir conjugation six tenses

How to use “partir”

Before the conjugation charts (see below), we’ll explore several usage of partir.

1. To leave

The most basic usage of partir is simply “to leave”. For example:

  • Je pars dans une heure. I’m leaving in one hour.

2. To leave from

In the context of “to leave from”, partir is followed by the preposition de then the name of the place.

  • Je pars de la masion. I’m leaving the house.

3. To go on vacation

The expression partir en vancances means to go on vacation.

  • La famille part en vacances dans les Alpes. The family goes on vacation in the Alps.

4. To pass away

Partir can also mean to pass away.

  • Son grand-père est parti en juillet. His grandfather passed away in July.

Partir conjugation charts

In this section we’ve conjugated partir in six tenses which are necessary to know in order to speak French fluently.

Present tense

In the present tense, je pars translates to “I leave” and “I am leaving”.

Je parsI leaveJe pars demain à midi.I'm leaving tomorrow at noon.
Tu parsYou leave (singular, infomral)A quelle heure est-ce que tu pars?What time are you leaving?
Il, elle partHe, she leavesElle part en vacances en Suisse.She's going to Switzerland on vacation.
Nous partonsWe leaveNous partons avec Thomas la semaine prochaine. We're leaving with Thomas next week.
Vous partezYou leave (plural, formal)Pourquoi est-ce que vous partez avant les autres? Why are you leaving before the others?
Ils, elles partentThey leaveIls partent de la maison très tôt le matin.They leave the house very early in the morning.

Passé composé

In the passé composé, a commonly used French past tense for events which occurred at specified times, je suis parti means “I left”.

Partir requires the use of être (to be) an auxiliary verb in the passé composé.

Je suis parti(e)I leftJe suis parti du bureau hier soir à dix-neuf heures. I left the office last night at 7:00pm.
Tu es parti(e)You left (familiar, singular)A quelle heure est-ce que tu es parti de la masion?What time did you leave the house?
Il, elle est parti(e)He, she leftEst-ce qu'elle est partie avec Pierre?Did she leave with Pierre?
Nous sommes parti(e)sWe leftNous ne sommes pas partis avant tes amis.We didn't leave before your friends.
Vous êtes parti(e)(s)You left (formal, plural)Pourquoi est-ce que vous êtes partis si tôt?Why did you leave so early?
Ils, elles sont parti(e)sThey leftIls sont partis avant la fin de la soirée.The left before the end of the evening party.

Imperfect tense

In the imperfect (l’imparfait), a French past tense used for describing actions which occurred an unspecified times, je partais translates to “I was leaving” or “I used to leave”.

Je partaisI was leaving, used to leaveQuand j'étais au collège, je partais de la masion à sept heures du matin.When I was in middle school I used to leave the house at 7:00am.
Tu partaisYou were leaving, used to leave (informal, singular)Dans le passé tu partais avant ta femme.In the past you used to leave before your wife.
Il, elle partaitHe, she was leaving used to leaveElle partait du bureau quand le téléphone a sonné.She was leaving the office when the phone rang.
Nous partionsWe were leaving, used to leaveNous partions de bonne heure pour faire du ski. We used to leave early to go skiing.
Vous partiezYou were leaving, used to leave (formal, plural)Vous partiez de l'hôtel quand le taxi est arrivé.You were leaving the hotel when the taxi arrived.
Ils, elles partaientThey were leaving, used to leaveIls partaient de l'école quand le professeur est arrivé.They were leaving the school when the teacher arrived.

Future tense

In the future tense (le futur simple), je partirai translates to “I will leave”.

Je partiraiI will leaveJe partirai demain si j'ai la voiture.I'll leave tomorrow if I have the car.
Tu partirasYou will leave (singular, informal)A quelle heure est-ce que tu partiras?What time will you leave?
Il, elle partiraHe, she will leaveIl ne partira pas avant Marie.He won't leave before Marie.
Nous partironsWe will leaveNous partirons demain s'il fait beau.We'll leave tomorrow if it's nice out.
Vous partirezYou will leave (plural, formal)Est-ce que vous partirez en vacances cette année?Will you go on vacation this year?
Ils, elles partirontThey will leaveElles partiront avant la fin de la soirée.They will leave before the end of the party.

Conditional tense

In the conditional tense (le conditionnel), je partirais translates to “I would leave”.

Je partiraisI would leaveJe partirais demain s'il faisait beau.I'd leave tomorrow if it were nice out.
Tu partiraisYou would leave (singular, informal)Tu partirais en vacances si tu avais plus de temps libre.You'd go on vacation if you had more free time.
Il, elle partiraitHe, she would leaveIl partirait mais la soirée n'est pas terminée.He'd leave but the party isn't over.
Nous partirionsWe would leaveNous partirions demain mais les employées du SNCF font grève.We'd leave tomorrow but the SNCF employees are on strike.
Vous partiriezYou would leave (plural, formal)Partiriez-vous en vacances si vous aviez plus de temps libre?Would you go on vacation if you had more free time?
Ils, elles partiraientThey would leaveIls partiraient demain s'ils avaient la voiture.They'd leave tomorrow if they had the car.

Subjunctive mood

The French use the subjunctive mood (le subjonctif) to express wishes, emotions and doubts. Que je parte translates to “that I leave”.

que je partethat I leaveIl faut que je parte tout de suite. I need to leave right away.
que tu partesthat you leave (singular, informal)Elle veut que tu partes demain matin.She wants you to leave tomorrow morning.
qu'il, elle partethat he, she leavesJe suis triste qu'elle parte avant nous. I'm sad she's leaving before us.
que nous partionsthat we leaveIl faut que nous partions avant janvier.We need to leave before January.
que vous partiezthat you leave (plural, formal)Je doute que vous partiez en vacances cette année.I doubt you're going on vacation this year.
qu'ils, elles partentthat they leaveJe ne pense pas qu'ils partent avant les autres. I don't think they're leaving before the others.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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