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Dormir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Sleep” In French

Dormir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Sleep” In French

The conjugation of dormir (Meaning: to sleep in French; Pronunciation dɔʀmiʀ) is: Je dors (I sleep), tu dors (you sleep), il/elle dort (he/she sleeps), nous dormons (we sleep), vous dormez (you sleep) and ils/elles dorment (they sleep). This page provides conjugation charts for dormir in six major verb tenses.

Dormir (to sleep) conjugation in French

Dormir is an irregular -ir verb. This means that its endings are different from regular -ir verbs when conjugated in the present tense. It’s present tense end are: -s, -s, -t, -ons, -ez and -ent.

The past participle of dormir is dormi (slept) and the present participle is dormant (sleeping).

This page covers conjugations for dormir in the following tenses:

  • Present tense (le présent)
  • Compound past (le passé composé)
  • Imperfect (l’imparfait)
  • Simple future (le future simple)
  • Conditional (le conditionnel)
  • Subjunctive (le subjonctif)

Dormir conjugation table

The following is conjugation table offers of quick overview of dormir. Below we’ve provided complete conjugation charts with example sentences.

Dormir conjugation table

Dormir conjugation charts

The following section offers conjugation charts for dormir in six major tenses with example sentences.

Present tense (le présent)

In the present tense, je dors translates to “I sleep” and “I am sleeping”.

Je dorsI sleepJe dors dans mon lit.I sleep in my bed.
Tu dorsYou sleep (informal, singular)Tu dors dans ta chambre.You sleep is your bedroom.
Il/elle dortHe/she sleepsIl dort chez sa maman. He sleeps at his mom's place.
Nous dormonsWe sleepNous dormons dans un très bon hôtel.We sleep in a very good hotel.
Vous dormezYou sleep (formal, plural)Vous dormez dans une tente.You sleep in a tent.
Ils/elles dormentThey sleepIls dorment dans des sacs de couchage.They sleep in sleeping bags.

In the following video online French teacher, Alexa, teaches the pronunciation of dormir in the present tense:

Compound past (le passé composé)

The passé composé (compound past) is a commonly used past tense used to describe actions which occurred at specific times. J’ai dormi translates to “I slept”.

J'ai dormiI sleptJ'ai bien dormi hier soir.I slept well last night.
Tu as dormiYou slept (informal, singular)Tu as mal dormi hier soir. You slept poorly last night.
Il/elle a dormiHe/she sleptIl a dormi chez ses parents.He slept at his parents house.
Nous avons dormiWe sleptNous avons dormi dans un grand lit.We slept in a big bed.
Vous avez dormiYou slept (formal, plural)Vous avez dormi dans un hôtel de luxe.You slept in a luxurious hotel.
Ils/elles ont dormiThey sleptIls ont dormi dans un camping.They slept in a campsite.

Imperfect (l’imparfait)

The imperfect tense (l’imparfait) is used to express actions which occurred in the past at unspecified times.

Je dormaisI was sleeping, used to sleepJe dormais quand tu es retourné.I was sleeping when you returned.
Tu dormaisYou were sleeping, used to sleep (informal, singular)Tu dormais mieux quand tu étais plus jeune.You used to sleep better when you were younger.
Il/elle dormaitHe/she was sleeping, used to sleepAvant, il dormait chez elle.Before he used to sleep at her place.
Nous dormionsWe were sleeping, used to sleepNous dormions quand le téléphoné a sonné.We were sleeping when the phone rang.
Vous dormiezYou were sleeping, used to sleep (formal, plural)Vous dormiez quand je vous ai reveillé.You were sleeping when I woke you up.
Ils/elles dormaientThey were sleeping, used to sleepIls dormaient dans la tente quand l'ours a apparu.They were sleeping when the bear appeared.

Simple future (le future simple)

In French, the simple future (le future simple) tense is used to express future actions. Je dormirai translates to “I will sleep”.

Je dormiraiI will sleepJe dormirai dans mon lit ce soir.I will sleep in my bed tonight.
Tu dormirasYou will sleep (informal, singular)Tu dormiras chez tes grand-parents ce weekend.You will sleep at your grandparents' house this weekend.
Il/elle dormiraHe/she will sleepElle dormira dans son pyjama ce soir.She will sleep in her pyjamas ce soir.
Nous dormironsWe will sleepNous dormirons dans un hôtel très cher pendant nos vacances.We'll sleep in a very expensive hotel during our vacation.
Vous dormirezYou will sleep (formal, plural)Vous dormirez chez votre tante la semaine prochaine. You'll sleep at your aunt's house next weekend.
Ils/elles dormirontThey will sleepIls dormiront dans la chambre d'amis ce soir.They'll sleep in the guest room tonight.

Conditional (le conditionnel)

The French use the conditional tense (le conditionnel) to express hypothetical situations which “would” occur.

Je dormiraisI would sleepJe dormirais jusqu'à midi si c'était possible.I would sleep until noon if it were possible.
Tu dormiraisYou would sleep (informal, singular)Tu dormirais dans ton propre lit si tu étais chez toi.You would sleep in your own bed if you were at home.
Il/elle dormiraitHe/she would sleepElle dormirait jusqu'à dix heures mais elle doit se lever tôt.She would sleep until 10 o'clock but she has to get up early.
Nous dormirionsWe would sleepNous dormirions dans cet hôtel si c'était moins cher.We'd sleep in this hotel if it were less expensive.
Vous dormiriezYou would sleep (formal, plural)Vous dormiriez dans une tente si vous aimiez le camping. You'd sleep in a tent if you liked camping.
Ils/elles dormiraientThey would sleepIls dormiraient bien si les voisins ne faisaient pas tant de bruit.They'd sleep well if the neighbors weren't making so much noise.

Subjunctive (le subjonctif)

The French language uses the subjunctive mood (le subjonctif) to express wishes, emotions and doubts. Que je dorme translates to “that I sleep”.

que je dormethat I sleepIl faut que je dorme un peu plus. I need to sleep a bit more.
que tu dormesthat you sleep (informal, singular)Je veux que tu dormes dans cette chambre.I want you to sleep in this room.
qu'il/elle dormethat he/she sleepsJe doute qu'elle dorme assez. I doubt she's sleeping enough.
que nous dormionsthat we sleepIl est heureux que nous dormions bien.He's happy we're sleeping well.
que vous dormiezthat you sleep (formal, plural)Je ne pense pas qu'il dorme dans ce lit.I don't think he's sleeping in this bed.
qu'ils/elles dormentthat they sleepJe suis content qu'ils dorment dans cette auberge.I'm happy they're sleeping in this inn.

More verb conjugation charts:

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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