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French Verbs Followed By À

French Verbs Followed By À

This page contains a list of French verbs followed by the preposition à. For example, “Je commence à étudier le français” (I start to study French); or “J’arrive à prononcer le mot” (I manage to pronounce the word). We’ve provided a top-10 list of verbs followed by example sentences.

French verbs followed by à

1. Aider à (to help)

  • Je t’aide à préparer le repas dans la cuisine. I help you to prepare the meal in the kitchen.

2. S’amuser à (to have fun)

  • Les enfants s’amusent à jouer ensemble. The kids are having fun playing together.

3. Arrive à (to mange)

  • J’arrive à réparer la voiture. I manage to repair the car.

4. Commencer à (to start)

  • Je commence à comprendre les leçons. I’m starting to understand the lessons.

5. S’habituer à (to get used to)

  • Je m’habitue à habiter ici. I’m getting used to living here.

6. S’interesser à (to be interested in)

  • Je m’interesse à apprendre le français. I’m interested in learning French.

7. Inviter à (to invite)

  • Je vous invite à dîner chez nous. I’m inviting you to have dinner at our place.

8. Se mettre à (to start)

  • Je me mets à réviser les leçons. I start reviewing the lessons.

9. Réussir à (to succeed)

  • Je réussis à bien parler après quelques mois. I succeed in speaking well after a few months.

10. Penser à (to think about)

  • Je pense à partir en vacances en septembre. I’m thinking about going on vacation in September.

Complete list of French verbs followed by à

  • aider à to help to
  • apprendre à to learn how to
  • arriver à to mange to, be able to
  • aspirer à to aspire to
  • autoriser à to authorize to
  • avoir à to have to
  • chercher à to try to
  • commencer à to start to
  • consentir à to consent to
  • continuer à to continue
  • hésiter à to hesitate to
  • inciter à to encourage to
  • inviter à to invite to
  • parvenir à to reach, attain, manage to
  • passer son temps à to spend ones time doing
  • penser à to think about
  • renoncer à to give up
  • réussir à to succeed in
  • s’accoutumer à to get accustomed to
  • s’amuser à to have fun, enjoy oneself
  • s’attendre à to expect to
  • s’ennuyer à to get bored doing something
  • s’exercer à to practice, train
  • s’habituer à to get used to
  • s’inerésser à to be interested in
  • s’obstiner à to persist, persevere
  • se consacrer à to devote oneself to
  • se decider à to make up one’s mind to
  • se metter à to start to, begin to
  • se préparer à to prepare to
  • se résigner à to resigne oneself to
  • songer à to think about, long for
  • tendre à to tend to
  • tenir à to insist on
  • viser à to aim at

The following verbs used the construction: verb + quelqu’un (somebody) à faire quelque chose (verb + somebody + to do something).

  • aider quelqu’un (qqn) à faire (quelque chose) qqch to help somebody do something
  • autoriser qqn à faire qqch to authorize somebody to do something
  • encourage qqn à faire qqch to encourage somebody to do something
  • engager qqn à faire qqch to urge somebody to do something
  • forcer qqn à faire qqch to force somebody to do something
  • obliger qqn à faire qqch to oblige somebody to do something

More example sentences

  • Je pense à faire du ski. I’m thinking about skiing.
  • Tu songes à partir en vacances. You’re thinking about going on vacation.
  • Il apprend à nager. He’s learning to swim.
  • Elle s’amuse à jouer avec les enfants. She has fun playing with the kids.
  • Il tient à partir demain. He insists on leaving tomorrow.
  • Je m’habitue à habiter dans ce village. I’m getting used to living in this town.
  • Il commence à faire beau. It’s starting to get nice out.
  • Elle commence à avoir faim. She’s starting to get hungry.
  • J’aide mon ami à tondre la pelouse. I help my friend mowing the lawn.
  • Je vous invite à diner chez moi. I’m inviting you to have dinner at my place.

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French grammar | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson
David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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