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Avec: Guide To How To Say “With” in French

Avec: Guide To How To Say “With” in French

“Avec” (pronunciation: avɛk) means “with” in French and is one of the most commonly used words in the French language. This page will cover how to pronounce avec and provide examples of the word’s most common usages.

Avec: Guide To How To Say "With" in French

Avec pronunciation

The pronunciation of “avec is “ah-vehk”. This page on Forvo provides audio samples of avec. The following video from YouTube French teacher Vincent also provides a useful audio sample.

Ten ways to use “avec” in sentences

1. In the company of

“Avec” is most commonly used to express “in the company of” or “with”. Here are some example sentneces:

  • Vous venez avec moi. You are coming with me.
  • Je dine avec vous. I’m having dinner with you.

2. Avec plaisir

The expression “avec plaisir” translates literally to “with pleasure” and means you’re welcome in French. A synonym for “avec plaisir” is “de rien” (you’re welcome). Here’s an example:

  • Je vous remercie. – Avec plaisir. Thank you. – You’re welcome.

3. Using

Another common usage of “avec” is to express “using” or “by the means of”. For example:

  • Il démarre la voiture avec la clé. He starts the car with the key.

4. Concerning

Avec can be used to mean “concerning” or “with regards to”. Here’s an example:

  • Avec vous, c’est toujours pareil. On doit repeter les instructions trois fois! It’s always the same with you. We have to repeat the instructions three times!

5. Because of, due to

Avec is also used to express both “because of” and “due to”.

  • Avec la neige, nous devons reporter notre départ. We must postpone our departure due to the snow.

To, towards and with

Avec can also be used to mean “towards” in the sense of “to” or “towards” people. A synonym for this usage is envers. Here’s an example sentence:

  • Le patron est généreux avec ses employés. The boss is generous towards his employees.

6. With it

Normally prepositions cannot come at the end of sentences in French. However, in informal language, “avec” may be placed at the end of a sentence. Here’s an example:

  • J’ai le violon. Je suis venu avec. I have the violin. I came with it.

7. Manner

“Avec” is used to express “in the manner of”. For these sentences, an adverb can also be used in the English translation. Here’s an example:

  • Il parle avec sarcasme. He speaks with sarcasm / He speaks sarcastically.

Here are several more examples of where avec + noun can mean mean and adverb.

  • avec amour lovingly
  • avec avidité eagerly
  • avec délicatesse elegantly
  • avec enthousiasme enthusiastically

8. To go well with

The expression “aller bien avec” means “to go well with”. For example:

  • Le vin rouge va bien avec la viande. Red wine goes well with meat.

9. Over time

The expression “avec le temps” is used to express “over time”. For example:

  • Avec le temps, on s’adapte aux nouvelles circonstances. Over time, you adapt to new circumstances.

10. in hindsight, looking back

The expression “avec le recul” means both “looking back” and “in hindsight”. For example:

  • Avec le recul, j’aurais dû apprendre l’espagnol. Looking back, I should have learned Spanish.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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